General Synod 2016

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General Synod 2016 took place at St Paul’s & St George’s Church, Edinburgh last week (9-11 June). You can read reports of the business of Synod (under Synod News) here.

The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church delivered his Primus Charge during the opening Eucharist, which can be viewed on video here.

One of the many presentations given during General Synod, included a report on the recent meeting of the Anglican Communion’s Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) meeting held in Lusaka, Zambia from Mr Alistair Dinnie, the Scottish Episcopal Church’s representative on the ACC. You can watch the video of his presentation here.

There was a high level of media interest in the debate on the Motion on the First Reading to change the Canon on Marriage. The BBC recorded the announcement of the vote on this Motion – coverage on BBC Reporting Scotland can be watched here.

The offering (almost £2,000 including prospective Gift Aid reclaim) taken during General Synod was for Christian Aid’s Refugee Crisis work in Greece and Serbia


The post General Synod 2016 appeared first on Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway.