Our Common Calling


The first meeting of the Our Common Calling Group took place on 9 November . The group comprises members from the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Church of Scotland, with a balance of clergy and laity from all parts of Scotland.
The group will reflect on the churches’ common calling within contemporary Scotland, and explore closer co-operation between the two churches as approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church; and will have a further meeting in early 2017.
The Convener of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Inter-church Relations Committee and co-convener of the group, the Rev Canon John McLuckie says “I feel greatly encouraged by the first meeting in this historic conversation between our two churches. We find ourselves in a rapidly changing context in Scotland and we have made a commitment to find new ways of responding together to that change. I look forward to our future work together.”

photo : Rev Dr John McPake (co-secretary Church of Scotland), Rev Alison McDonald (co-convener Church of Scotland); Rev Canon John McLuckie (co-convener Scottish Episcopal Church) and Elspeth Davey (co-secretary Scottish Episcopal Church)