Loving one another – launch of Study Guide to help tackle gender based violence

L-R Kathy Galloway, ex head of Christian Aid Scotland, the Most Rev David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and Sally Foster-Fulton, Head of Christian Aid Scotland.

A biblical discussion study guide on gender based violence which was first used in Brazil and then subsequently in nine other countries around the world, including Angola, Colombia and Liberia has now been launched in Scotland.
Christian Aid Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church have worked together to produce ‘Loving One Another – A biblical discussion toolkit on gender-based violence’. Based on a booklet used by Christian Aid’s partner organisation, the Brazilian Anglican Service for Diakonia and Development (SADD), the Scottish version will be used as part of a new six weeks’ course for churches.

With funds from the Scottish Episcopal Church, SADD has helped women who have experienced domestic abuse. As well as the booklet, which has been used in 150 Anglican parishes across Brazil, SADD also run the Casa Noeli dos Santos safe house.

Sally Foster Fulton, Head of Christian Aid said “Gender-based violence is a global pandemic, which has undermined the will and purpose of God for too long. It diminishes us all, stifles the lives of women and girls and fractures our relationships. It is all too easy to assume that this is a problem that exists somewhere else. However, violence against women respects no boundaries: geographical, social or cultural.
“This material exposes the spectrum of violence faced by women and girls and calls for change that goes to the heart of our faith”.

The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church said “This material is intended to raise awareness of the problem and to help us to recognise that, for all of us in this society, this is ‘our’ problem.
“The material places gender based violence in the context of our faith: for to tackle such a serious denial of human rights, is indeed a godly task”.

The launched took place at The General Synod Office of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Edinburgh with Sally Foster Fulton, Head of Christian Aid Scotland, The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Kathy Galloway, former Head of Christian Aid Scotland.
The date of the launch coincided with the UN’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Campaign which runs from the 25th November to December 10th.