Thy Kingdom Come 2018

From Ascension Day to Pentecost (May 10-20) congregations and individuals from the Scottish Episcopal Church will join Christians around the world to pray Thy Kingdom Come.

Every day during this period a video will be published on social media and on this page with a new daily prayer, written and read by members of the Scottish Episcopal Church. You are invited to join in and #PledgeToPray using these videos and the resources here:

Thy Kingdom Come: 20 May – Pentecost

The Rt Rev Anne Dyer, Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney prays that your Kingdom will come.

Thy Kingdom Come: 19 May

The Rev Dr Hamilton Inbadas, Priest in Charge of St John’s Forres, in the Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness offers a prayer of #Silence.

Thy Kingdom Come: 18 May

The St John’s Youth Fellowship Forres, in the Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness were asked to list the things that they celebrate: this is what they came up with. #Celebrate

Thy Kingdom Come: 17 May

The Rt Rev Dr John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh reads Gerard Manley Hopkins’ Pied Beauty. Bishop John describes the poem saying “I love this poem. It’s written as a prayer of adoration, of celebration of the colourful diversity of God’s creation.

So often the impact of human beings on the natural world is seen in a negative light, but Hopkins sees it quite differently.”


Thy Kingdom Come: 16 May

Lis Burke, a Lay Reader in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane prays for #Help.

Thy Kingdom Come: 15 May

The Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness, and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church offers a personal prayer for Thy Kingdom Come: #PrayFor

Thy Kingdom Come: 14 May

Four students from the Scottish Episcopal Institute (Jenny Holden, Joanna Leidenhag, Harriet Oxley and Thomas Ware) pray for what they can #Offer.

Thy Kingdom Come: 13 May

The Rt Rev Dr Gregor Duncan, Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway offers a prayer to say #Sorry.


Thy Kingdom Come: 12 May

The Rev Margi Campbell, soon to be instituted as Provost of St John’s Cathedral, Oban in the Diocese of Argyll and The Isles offers a prayer of #Thanks.

Thy Kingdom Come: 11 May

The Rev Maggie McTernan, Assistant Priest at St Margaret’s Church, Newlands, Glasgow offers a prayer of #Praise.

10 May – Ascension Day – #ToJesus

The Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll & The Isles begins eleven days of prayer for Thy Kingdom Come.

If you or your congregation are holding any prayer events and would like to share them please email the Digital Communications Co-ordinator, Aidan Strange.