If you think a carol service from a Scottish Episcopal Choir sounds like a good idea, can you please help us to make it happen?
We have received a lot of very positive feedback about bringing together a virtual choir, but so far, not enough of that enthusiasm has extended to sending us a recording. And we are running out of time to make the ambition of a virtual choir become a reality. The service is scheduled to be broadcast on Monday evening.
Several excellent contributions have been sent to us so far, but we need more if this concept is going to work. If you are willing and able, we would be delighted if you could find the time to send a recording of you singing.
It would be such a shame not to be able to put the recordings we have received to their intended use, but unless we receive more submissions by Saturday evening, we are sorry to say that the Advent Lessons and Carols service advertised for Monday evening will have to be cancelled.
However, the submissions we have received to date will not be wasted, and will be used elsewhere in the schedule of online worship arranged for Advent and Christmas. The full schedule is available here: https://www.scotland.anglican.org/advent-and-christmas-online-worship/
If you can spare the time and would like to help, we would love to hear from you. Details of how to take part are here: https://www.scotland.anglican.org/join-the-scottish-episcopal-virtual-choir/