For Easter this year there will be a new virtual choir project for the provincial online worship, following on from our successful Advent Lessons and Carols service in December 2020.
We are keen for as many people as possible to be involved in this project to celebrate Easter as a dispersed but still connected community during the pandemic, so if there are people in your circle who love to sing and might be interested in joining in, please share this information with them.
And once again – singing ability is welcome, but enthusiasm is essential!
The deadline for submissions is 12 noon on Friday 2 April, but the sooner you can submit material, the simpler the editing process is.
The process for contributing is designed to be as simple as possible. Each person is asked to record themselves singing along to the organ recordings linked below. These recordings will be mixed together to create a virtual choir across Scotland and possibly further afield. No-one’s recording will be highlighted individually, everyone will be singing as a group.
- Download the files linked below. This contains backing tracks, sheet music, lyrics and an instruction sheet for both hymns
- Listen through to the backing track and read along with the lyrics or the music depending on preference
- Set up your camera/phone/tablet/webcam
- Pop in a pair of headphones
- Listen through to the recordings, making a note of where the tempos change
- Record yourself singing the hymns along with the backing track (if you don’t want to appear on camera simply leave me a note when you send the files, but the more faces the merrier!)
- Transfer the file with our dedicated transfer page linked below
- Join the service on Easter Sunday to see the full and final results!
Here are the links you will need:
Download the backing tracks, lyrics and sheet music here.
Upload your finished videos here.
Thanks again for being involved in this project. Please share this page with any friends you have who may also want to be involved! If you have any questions please contact our Digital Communications Co-ordinator, Aidan Strange, on Aidans@scotland.anglican.org.
You can find more detailed instructions here for those who intend to sing a SATB line.