Young Episcopalians from all over Scotland are booking their places at Glen 21.
The annual Provincial Youth Week will go ahead, no matter what! Whatever form it takes, Glen remains a place where young people can be themselves, explore their faith and encourage each other to take on leadership roles in the church.
A year of lockdowns has been especially hard on young people. Their education, exams and social lives have all been disrupted, and mental health problems are on the increase. Provincial Youth leaders have been running a programme of online support and worship over the past year, so they know how much our young people need hope right now. This has informed the choice of theme for Glen 21: ‘When it seemed most dark…’ Glen 21 will be exploring the Bible’s stories of people facing all kinds of challenges, sometimes in dark and lonely places. Some of them asked the question: ‘Where are you, God?’ But just when it seemed most dark, God’s light dawned. the Glen 21 team wants to lead young people towards deeper faith and stronger hope.
Last year, Provincial Youth Week took place entirely online and it was found that even in the middle of a pandemic, it was still possible to do many of the things that make Glen so special: chat, laugh, talk about God, have fun and worship together. The leadership team will decide by 1 May whether Glen 21 will be held online, or in person at Glenalmond College.
Young people of High School age are all welcome at Glen: if your church knows several teenagers or just one, encourage them to apply by the deadline of 11 April. Further information, FAQs and booking details can all be found at https://glen21.online/