Young people all over the Scottish Episcopal Church have been eagerly awaiting news of this year’s Provincial Youth Week, and now it can be revealed – Glen 21 will take place in two ways: both online and in person across Scotland (as restrictions allow).
Glen 21 is open to young people (“delegates”) of High School age in the Scottish Episcopal Church. They can join in wherever they are – at home, on holiday, shielding with their families or staying with friends. As the group will not be meeting at Glenalmond College, participation is free of charge and this year delegates are being offered even more to do than usual.
‘Blended’ Glen will combine interactive activities on Zoom, online content to engage with any time and (as restrictions allow) meeting face to face in regional groups for some outdoor activities. The week will end with a special in-person gathering for the final worship of Glen. This will follow all the latest Covid security guidelines from the Government and the Scottish Episcopal Church.
Booking for Glen 21, which takes place from 1 to 7 August, has been extended and is open to anyone in the Scottish Episcopal Church who is in secondary education and those under 18 years old who have left full-time education. Full information and booking details can be found at Glen21.online.