As Scotland goes to the polls today in the Scottish Parliament election, the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, The Most Rev Mark Strange, encourages people to exercise their democratic right at this important time by using their vote to help shape the way ahead.
“People will be heading for their local polling stations across Scotland as the country prepares to elect a new group of MSPs to serve our communities and make key decisions for us all,” said the Primus.
“This election has been unlike others, with the gathering of crowds, the hustings and the political walkabout all muted by the effects of the pandemic. Yet because of the effects of Covid-19 and the recovery that is coming, the need for good government is so very important.
“We are also faced by the climate crisis and our need to find ways of enabling the pathways that lead to change; pathways that can help us all find the best way to help our planet.
“For these reasons and for the honouring of those who fought to have allow us all to vote, we should take our civic responsibility seriously.
“Today we pray for all who are standing for election and for all those who will manage this election. It still fills me with pride that I live in a country which allows us all to have a say in the make-up of our parliament. Election day is a good day; make good use of it.”