Churches are reminded that although the Scottish Government recently announced a slight easing of restrictions around singing in places of worship which took effect earlier this week, congregational singing is still not permitted.
An update is expected from the Scottish Government on congregational singing, but it has not yet been issued.
The Scottish Government’s most recent guidance says:
“Congregational singing, both indoors and outdoors, should continue to be avoided at this time. However, singing, chanting and/or the playing of instruments will be permitted in small groups from 17 May for areas in level 0 – 2. For example, a small choir and/or band would be permitted to perform.
“There is no definition of ‘small group’ and it will be down to individual places of worship to determine how many people would constitute an appropriately small group given the size and layout of their building (e.g. how many could fit, physically distanced at the front of the congregation). Individual places of worship should consider physical distancing, undertake risk assessments and put in place mitigating measures where appropriate.”
Further details can be found here https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-phase-3-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-places-of-worship/pages/individual-and-congregational-worship/#singing
Meanwhile, the Scottish Government confirmed today that Glasgow is to remain under level three restrictions for at least another week because of concern over rising number of Covid cases in the area. Moray will move down from level three to level two from midnight tonight, and there is no change to the existing status of all other areas.