Congregational singing is to be permitted in areas that are in level 0 and 1 from Monday next week, providing face masks are worn and social distancing is maintained.
The Scottish Government has also confirmed that following a recent review, it will also be possible for a congregation to sing at life events in levels 0 and 1 if it is part of an act of worship. Again, the wearing of face masks and adhering to social distancing will be required on these occasions.
The updated Guidance for the Safe Use of Places of Worship, which takes effect from Monday 31 May, states:
“Singing, chanting and/or the playing of instruments is permitted in small groups in level 2 – 0 areas. For example, a small choir and/or band would be permitted to perform. Congregational singing, both indoors and outdoors, is permitted in areas that are in levels 0 – 1 and is permitted for life events if they are part of an act of worship.
“Where congregational singing is permitted, a risk assessment should be carried out to consider any mitigating measures that may be put in place. Individuals/households in congregations are advised to wear face coverings and observe 2 metre physical distancing between each participant/household and between participants/households and any others attending.”
The areas of Scotland that are currently in level 1 are Orkney, Shetland, Western Isles, all islands in Highland (except Skye) and the Argyll and Bute islands of Coll, Colonsay, Erraid, Gometra, Iona, Islay, Jura, Mull, Oronsay, Tiree and Ulva. Most of mainland Scotland is currently in level 2, and no areas of Scotland are in level 0.
The Advisory Group of the Scottish Episcopal Church will issue updated guidance to reflect these and other recent changes.
The Scottish Government’s updated guidelines on ‘Singing, chanting and the playing of instruments’ can be viewed here.