Episcopal Synod meets to agree appeal process

The Episcopal Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church met in Edinburgh yesterday [23 August] to consider procedure relating to the appeal by the Rt Rev Anne Dyer against her suspension as Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney.

Earlier this month, Bishop Dyer was suspended by the Primus following the lodging of formal complaints. After notice of appeal was received, the suspension was set aside pending the outcome of the appeal to the Episcopal Synod.

The Episcopal Synod was convened following the canonical requirement of ten days’ notice to the members. Neither Bishop Dyer nor the Primus were in attendance. The meeting opened with a vote to hold all further proceedings concerning the appeal in private.

Having agreed the procedure for hearing the appeal, the Episcopal Synod adjourned until 5 September. Both parties to the appeal have been asked to make submissions which the Episcopal Synod intends to consider when it re-convenes on that date.