Episcopal Synod decides appeal

The Episcopal Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church met yesterday, 29 September 2022, to consider the appeal by the Rt Rev Anne Dyer against her suspension as Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney following the lodging of formal complaints of misconduct.

The suspension had been set aside in August after notice of appeal was received and pending the outcome of the appeal to the Synod.

Yesterday, the Episcopal Synod refused the appeal by a majority of three to two. The suspension from office of the Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney now resumes with immediate effect until further notice, while the next stage of the process takes place.

The suspension does not constitute disciplinary action and does not imply any assumption that misconduct has been committed.

The Rt Rev Dr John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh, will serve as Acting Bishop of the Diocese of Aberdeen & Orkney during this suspension, and the Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Bishop of Brechin will serve as Acting Convener of the Institute Council. Both will continue to fulfil their existing duties in their own dioceses.

The complaints which have been received are being considered in the first instance by the Preliminary Proceedings Committee in accordance with Canon 54 of the Scottish Episcopal Church Code of Canons.