New deadline for Alastair Haggart Bursary Award

The Alastair Haggart Bursary Award Committee has decided to extend the deadline for applications for the 2023 Award until Palm Sunday.

The Bursary is awarded annually in memory of the Rt Rev Alastair Haggart, pictured, who served as Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church from 1977 until 1985.

The eponymous Award aims to help finance sabbaticals or other similar leave of absence on the part of serving ministers – both clergy and Lay Readers – at a stage in the person’s life when such an experience will significantly enhance his or her development. The outcomes of the project should also be of benefit to the wider Church. The annual Award can be won by a single applicant or divided between several.

Due to the recent generous legacy received from the estate of the late Mrs Mary Haggart, awards totalling up to £2,500 will be made in 2023.  All types of study leave, retreats and sabbaticals are supported in this way; university fees are not paid by these means, but attendance at conferences associated with further study is.

Application forms can be obtained from the SEI website resources page here and should be returned to Linda Harrison, the SEI Administrator, by 2 April 2023.