“Let our actions be a reflection of love, peace and justice” – One Year of the War in Ukraine

Today (24 February) is one year on from the first day of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, reflected on a year of war and spoke, as he did in 2022, of the need for prayer for those most affected by the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

Speaking ahead of a moment of national one minute silence to mark the day, the Primus said:

“As we mark one year since the invasion of Ukraine I lift up in prayer all those who have been affected in the conflict.  One year ago today, as the invasion began and our world changed I remarked that ‘our thoughts and prayers must be with those who woke to the sound of missiles exploding, with fear for their children on active duty, and for those families fleeing from fighting.’  One year on that is still my prayer.

“The wounds of this war are deep, leaving physical and mental scars. I pray for those who have been injured, that they may find the healing and support they need to recover and rest and I give thanks for those who provide medicine and relief in the midst of war.

“I pray for the tens of thousands who have chosen to join this war in active service, that the strength of their beliefs which have led them to take action is directed towards sustained peace. I also hold in my prayers those who have been forced into conflict by this war, and for repentance and justice for those who deny the agency of their fellow humans.

“Reports indicate that around 14 million Ukrainian people have been displaced over the course of this conflict. I offer up prayers for those who have been forced to flee in search of safety and security, and I give thanks especially for the work of individuals and congregations of the Scottish Episcopal Church who have given freely of themselves in many ways to support refugees in Scotland.  They have joined many across Scotland and around the world working to provide for the needs of those living in war zones, and for the promotion of peace in, and justice for, Ukraine.

“I lift up in prayer the tens of thousands who have died in this conflict. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

“A year ago I spoke of our calling to be a people of prayer. Let us continue to pray for peace and justice in Ukraine, and let our actions be a reflection of the love, peace and justice that we seek for the world.”