“Let people see the love”: The Primus’ Easter Message

An Easter message from Bishop Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

As we sang the hymn Christ Be Our Light during the Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday, I was caught by the words as they seemed to mirror the theme I had preached on at the service. I had spoken about what our ministry as church might actually be in this changed and changing world.

We sang: “Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, many despair.” The response was: “Make us your living voice.”

We need to have the courage to speak out into the world. Jesus didn’t hold back; in fact he was arrested largely because of his words. Are we to remain silent or are we to be Christ’s living voice? When we are told to be quiet because we are straying into politics or personal choice, it shows that we are being heard. We need to be the voice of Christ in Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine, Yemen and so many other places.

The hymn goes on to say: “Longing for food, many are hungry. Longing for water, many still thirst.” Then: “Longing for shelter, many are homeless. Longing for warmth, many are cold.”

As we sang we offered ourselves to be the living bread, bringing sustenance and the building of living stones that shelters those caught up in the fears of today: fuel poverty, the housing shortage, migration and homelessness.

As we reached the west door of the Cathedral we sang ‘Let us be servants to one another, making your kingdom come’ and walked out into a world that needs the light and love of Christ, and calls on us to use our gifts to bring it about. Christ didn’t die so that we can be comfortable; he died so that we can let people see the love and hope given to us all by the resurrection.

Alleluia! Christ is risen.