Prayer for use in churches following the death of Bishop Keith Riglin

Following the sad news of the death of Bishop Keith Riglin, the College of Bishops has published a prayer, prepared by the provincial Liturgy Committee, which can be used in church services this weekend.  The prayer has been communicated to Clergy and is made available here for personal use.

God, our Creator, by whose power your only Son conquered sin and death: we entrust your faithful servant, Keith, to your eternal peace; that through the mystery of death, he, with all who have died in Christ, may share in his resurrection.

We give you thanks for the ministry that Keith shared with us, and pray your comforting presence with those who grieve; we hold before you Jen and their family, and the clergy and people of Argyll and The Isles: May your Holy Spirit guide your people, restore our hope, and renew us for the work to which you have called us, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who rose triumphant over death.


Funeral details will be published on the provincial website in due course.