Diocesan arrangements in Argyll & The Isles

The College of Bishops met recently and prayed for all those affected by the sudden death of Bishop Keith. The College also began to take stock of the situation following his untimely passing.
As a result of his death, a vacancy arises in the See of Argyll & The Isles
The College has appointed Bishop Ian Paton, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane to be the acting Bishop of Argyll & The Isles during the vacancy. Bishop Ian will arrange to visit the diocese in due course and intends to issue a commissary to the Dean of the Diocese, the Very Rev Margi Campbell.
Under the new Canon Four, adopted at General Synod earlier this year, the College has power to extend the period for the issue of the mandate for an episcopal election. (Under the former Canon the mandate had to be issued within 21 days of the vacancy arising.) The College believes it would be inappropriate to start an election process in the immediate future but rather to allow the Diocese the opportunity to adjust to this unexpected vacancy. It has therefore decided to extend the period for the issue of the mandate until 31 December 2023.