Scottish Episcopal Church Mission Association 1875-2023

From Gill Campbell – Convener of the Scottish Episcopal Church Mission Association (SECMA):

Dear SECMA Friend,

On behalf of the SECMA trustees, I would like to invite you to attend the

Service of Thanksgiving

for the charity’s 148 years of making a positive difference to the lives of thousands across the world.

The service will be held

On Saturday 4th November 2023 at 11.30am

In St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW

As well as joyfully giving thanks to God, the Most Rev Dr Mark Strange will be preaching, a Ugandan family will be singing and we will hear about SECMA’s far-reaching impact past, present and future.

A light lunch will follow giving the opportunity to enjoy further fellowship and learn more about SECMA’s achievements.

Please pass on this information to anyone you know who has had an interest in SECMA and its work.

Everyone is welcome.

For catering purposes it will be good to have an idea of numbers attending so please let me know by Tuesday 30th Oct.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Gill Campbell – Convener

Scottish Episcopal Church Mission Association (SECMA) – Dissolution in 2023

The operation of SECMA was reviewed in 2022.

The review highlighted that the way the charity ran was inefficient with a high proportion of time and financial expenditure taken up with administration. An updated system, with a realistic secretary’s salary, office rent and the creation of a viable internet presence would cost several times more than the charity receives per annum. This means that expenses would need to come from SECMA’s invested reserves in order to run the charity in the 21st century. In contrast to this increase in expense the membership has declined, with little or no new support coming from congregations, and some SEC churches and diocese choosing to support overseas projects directly. SECMA’s roots were ground-breaking and much needed over past decades but now there are many other Christian charities funding the same types of projects that meet SECMA’s aims and these charities are well furnished to meet modern day standards.

Taking into account SECMA’s dated operating systems and, as the money donated to SECMA was given for the relief of poverty and improve lives and not support administration, the Committee agreed that the charity should not continue. By unanimous vote the Committee proposed dissolution, with the funds being dispersed to other organisations which share SECMA’s aims and values.

SECMA has released the full potential of the its funds to make a significant and long-term contribution to improve the lives of thousands of women, children and communities overseas who face extreme poverty.

Dissolution has progressed as outlined in the SECMA Constitution (2020) with close adherence to legal requirements and OSCR regulations.

SECMA is to be applauded, it has run for nearly 150 years and its work has improved many lives, but now it has the opportunity to pass the baton on.

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