The process to elect a new Bishop in the Diocese of Argyll & The Isles has been started, to fill the vacancy left after the death of Bishop Keith Riglin last year.
Under the terms of Canon 4, an Electoral Synod comprising both clergy and lay members of the Diocese will be constituted, with responsibility for arranging an election and the eventual appointment of a new Bishop. The Electoral Synod will agree a timetable for a single electoral process in three possible stages.
The Electoral Synod is assisted in its task by a Preparatory Committee comprising six representatives of the diocese and five members from outside the Diocese to represent the wider Scottish Episcopal Church. The Preparatory Committee invites nominations for the vacancy, receives applications, conducts interviews and draws up a short-list of candidates.
As agreed at last year’s General Synod, the names of short-listed candidates will remain confidential throughout the Episcopal election process and are no longer made public.
The mandate for the Episcopal election was issued by Bishop Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, on Hogmanay. The Primus will act as Convener of the electoral process.
More details on the election of bishops in the Scottish Episcopal Church are available at this link on the SEC website.