‘O Lord, thou hast searched me out and known me’: St Thomas Aquinas on the intimacy of God
Christians in former days sometimes seem to have believed only in a God who is far off, a distant and exalted ruler of the universe, and reading their theological works seems only to reinforce that. But a closer look reveals something different. In this series of talks, Dr Euan Grant leads us to see that for St Thomas Aquinas, one of the great theologians of the Latin middle ages, the God afar off is also the God at hand—that the highness of God is also the ground for a remarkable divine intimacy. St Thomas shows how God is intimately present to us at our creation and is always calling us to come ever closer, in the company and on the way of Jesus, who comes to be with us without leaving his Father’s side.
Each of the four talks is about 30 minutes, including interviews with the Presenter.
An Introduction to St Thomas Aquinas (Monday 15 April)
St Thomas on God and Creation (Monday 22 April)
St Thomas on God, our end and our way (Monday 29 April)
St Thomas on Jesus, God with us (Monday 6 May)
Presenter: Dr Euan Grant, Associate Lecturer and Gifford Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews. Dr Grant is a Member of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Faith and Order Board and of the Scottish Episcopal Institute’s Board of Studies.