The Scottish Episcopal Church and 13 other denominations join together in prayer at 7pm on Sunday, 21 February, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears in English and Gaelic below, will also light candles.
In a joint message, church leaders in Scotland said:
“The beginning of the public ministry of Jesus is recorded in direct and immediate terms in the Gospel of Mark. We begin in Nazareth in Galilee and are then transported to the River Jordan. We see Jesus baptised and then driven out into the wilderness for forty days. The ministry of Jesus then begins as he proclaims: ‘The time has come…The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.’ (Mark 1: 9-15) It is as if the account compresses time in order to capture and express the significance of the moment.
“Our experience of the passing of time over recent months is perhaps unlike anything we have ever collectively known. On the one hand, the experience of lockdown and restriction, and the absence of the rhythms of life, has almost dislocated us from the normal experience of the passing of time. On the other hand, the relocation of worship, work and social interaction to digital platforms has rapidly transformed the times in which we live. These two things, alongside many others, are happening at one and the same time and we cannot yet tell how they will finally shape future times.
“Although we cannot tell how the future will unfold, what we can do is recognise that the kingdom of God is at hand and, in the light of this, resolve to journey with Jesus towards the place of the Cross. The gift of time, in the light of God’s Kingdom, is an opportunity to live out our response to the good news of Jesus.”
God whose kingdom is near
And who knows the times in which we live,
May we hear the call of your Son
And turn once more to embrace the good news he proclaims.
In the times in which we live,
Grant us grace to do so.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God whose kingdom is near
And who knows the times in which we live,
Your Son has embraced time
And became truly human for us and for our salvation.
As we face the hard challenges of these days
May we know that we are embraced by your Son.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God whose kingdom is near
And who knows the times in which we live,
Be with those for whom this day is hard
And who long for respite.
Be with those who seek to bring healing and comfort
And grant them wisdom and compassion to do so.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God whose kingdom is near
And who knows the times in which we live,
Be with us as we resolve to journey with your Son
In the days that lie before us.
Whether in the wilderness, or by the living waters,
May we know your presence ever renewed.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Signed by:
Most Rev. Mark Strange, Primus, on behalf of the College of Bishops, Scottish Episcopal Church
Rt. Rev. Dr Martin Fair, Moderator of the General Assembly, Church of Scotland
Most Rev. Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Roman Catholic Church
Rev. John Fulton, Moderator, United Free Church of Scotland
Rev. Lindsey Sanderson, Moderator, United Reformed Church (Scotland)
Rev. Martin Hodson, General Director, Baptist Union of Scotland
Rev. Mark Slaney, District Chair, Methodist Church (Scotland)
Rev. May-Kane Logan, Chair, Congregational Federation in Scotland
Lt. Col. Carol Bailey, Secretary for Scotland, Salvation Army
Adwoa Bittle, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Rev. Claire Fender, District Superintendent, British Isles North District, Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Chris Gbenle, Provincial Pastor, Province of Scotland, Redeemed Christian Church of God
Bishop Francis Alao, Church of God (Scotland)/Minority Ethnic Churches Together in Scotland (MECTIS)
Rev Fred Drummond, Director, Evangelical Alliance (Scotland)
Gairm gu ùrnaigh: Latha na Sàbaid, 21mh dhen Ghearran, ùrnaigh aig 7f
Tha Soisgeul Marcuis ag innse dhuinn mu thòiseach ministrealachd Ìosa. Tha e a’ toiseachadh ann an Nàsaret Ghalile, agus a’ dol air adhart do dh’Abhainn Iòrdain. An-sin, chaidh Ìosa a bhaisteadh, agus an uairsin chaidh a chuir dhan fhàsach fad dà fhichead latha. Agus an uair sin thoisich e a mhinistrealachd, ag ràdh: “Chaidh an t-àm a choileanadh, agus tha rìoghachd Dhè faisg. Dèanaibh-se aithreachas agus creidibh an soisgeul!” (Marcus 1: 9 – 15)
Chan eil sinn mothachail ar tìm san aon dòigh a-nis ’s a bha sinn roimhe. Air an dara làimh, tha miosan ar glasaidh air ar cur troimh-chèile, gun ruitheaman na beatha dh’am b’ àbhaist dhuinn. Air an làimh eile, le adhradh, obair agus beatha shòisealta a’ gluasad air loidhne, tha sinn a’ faicinn atharrachaidhean mòra timcheall oirnn gach latha. Tha an dà rud seo – am measg iomadh rud eile – a’ tachairt aig an aon àm, agus chan eil e soilleir dhuinn fhathast mar a bhios iad ag atharrachadh cùisean anns an àm ri teachd.
Ged nach eil an t-àm ri teachd soilleir dhuinn, tha fios againn gu bheil Rìoghachd Dhè faisg oirnn. Ann an solas na Rìoghachd sin, siubhalamaid air adhart maille ri Ìosa a-chum a’ chrann-ceusaidh. Cuireamaid romhainn a bhith beò ann an solas Rìoghachd Dhè, agus a bhith beò mar an fheadhainn a chuala naidheachd mhath Ìosa.
Dèanamaid ùrnaigh:
A Dhè, tha do rìoghachd faisg,
agus ’s ann leatsa a tha eòlas an ama.
Deònaich gun cluinn sinn gairm do Mhic
agus gun gabh sinn ris an naidheachd mhath a chuireas e an cèill.
Deònaich dhuinn gràs an-dràsta gus seo a dhèanamh.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.
A Dhè, tha do rìoghachd faisg,
agus ’s ann leatsa a tha eòlas an ama.
Thàinig do Mhac a-steach ann an tìm,
agus chaidh a dhèanamh na fheòil air ar sgàth agus air sgàth ar slànachaidh.
Anns na làithean doirbh seo,
tha sinn ag ùrnaigh gum bi fios againn gu bheil do Mhac a’ gabhail rinn.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.
A Dhè, tha do rìoghachd faisg,
agus ’s ann leatsa a tha eòlas an ama.
Bi maille riutha uile a tha fo dhragh an-diugh,
agus a tha feumach air fois.
Bi maille riutha uile a fhrithealas ri feumalachdan chàich.
Deònaich dhaibh gliocas agus truas airson na h-obrach.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.
A Dhè, tha do rìoghachd faisg,
agus ’s ann leatsa a tha eòlas an ama.
Bi maille rinn, agus sinn a’ cur romhainn a shiubhal còmhla rid Mhac
anns na làithean a tha ri teachd.
Anns an fhàsach, no ri taobh nan aibhnichean thèid seachad sìos gu mall,
deònaich gum faigh sinn eòlas as ùr air do làthaireachd.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.
Am Fìor Urramach Marcus Strange, Primus as leth Colaiste nan Easbaigean, Eaglais Easbaigeach na h-Alba
An Ceart Urramach Màrtainn Fair, Moderàtor Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba
Am Fìor Urramach Leo Cushley, Àrd-Easbaig Chill Rìmhinn agus Dùn Èideann
An t-Urramach Iain Fulton, Moderàtor, Eaglais Shaor Aonaichte na h-Alba
An t-Urramach Lindsey Sanderson, Moderàtor, Eaglais Ath-Leasaichte Aonaichte (Alba)
An t-Urramach Màrtainn Hodson, Àrd-Stiùiriche, Aonadh Baisteach na h-Alba
An t-Urramach Marcus Slaney, Cathraiche Roinn-Dùthcha, Eaglais nam Methodach (Alba)
An t-Urramach May-Kane Logan, Cathraiche, Caidreachas Co-thionalach ann an Alba
Lt. Col. Carol Bailey, Rùnaire na h-Alba, Feachd na Slàinte
Adwao Bittle, Comann nan Caraidean (Cuagairean)
An t-Urramach Claire Fender, Àrd-Neach-Stiùiridh Roinn-Dùthcha, Eileanan Bhreatainn, Eaglais an Nàsaraich
Aoghaire Chris Gbenle, Aoghaire Roinn-Dùthcha, Mòr-Roinn na h-Alba, Eaglais Chrìosdal air Saoradh le Dia
Easbaig Francis Alao, Eaglais Dhè (Alba)/ Eaglaisean nam mìon-shluagh còmhla ann an Alba (MECTIS)
An t-Urramach Fred Drummond, Stiùiriche, Caidreachas Soisgeulach (Alba)