Primus on Ukraine crisis: “Let us pray today for peace”

Following news today of attacks by Russia on Ukrainian military targets, the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Most Rev Mark Strange, spoke today of the need for prayer, and issued a call to prepare to offer support to those most affected by the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

Bishop Mark said:

“We have listened and prayed for the political leaders of the world as they have engaged with the complex and worrying situation at the Ukrainian border. We have heard national arguments, economic arguments, historic arguments and pleas for diplomacy.

“Early this morning all that has changed. Now our thoughts and prayers must be with those who awoke this morning to the sound of missiles exploding, with fear for their children on active duty, and for those families fleeing from fighting.

“As Christians we are called to be people of prayer.  Our prayer is for peace, and also for the strength to offer ourselves in the service of others.

“Let us pray today for peace, and prepare ourselves to offer support where it is needed.”