Lay Readers’ Conference, 28-30 October 2022

Lay Readers: A Prophetic Voice? Lay Readers’ Conference 28-30 October 2022

This year’s provincial conference for Lay Readers of the Scottish Episcopal Church will take place at St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth.

The main speaker will be Rt Rev Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester, who will talk on the topic “Lay Readers: A Prophetic Voice?” Bishop Martyn co- chairs the Church of England’s Lay Ministry Advisory Group, charged with encouraging lay ministries.

In addition to talks by Bishop Martyn, the programme includes the opportunity to worship together and a choice of workshops covering aspects of Lay Reader ministry. At the end of the conference Lay Readers from across Scotland will join the cathedral congregation in their Sunday morning Eucharist.

For many Lay Readers the informal gathering with their peers is as important as the main programme, so the weekend will also include opportunities to meet socially, including a meal together in a local hotel on Saturday evening.

This is the first time that a Lay Readers’ Conference has been non-residential and the organisers are grateful to the provost and congregation of St Ninian’s Cathedral for inviting the Lay Readers to gather in such beautiful surroundings.

Further details are available on Facebook here.