Feedback invited for draft New Zero Action Plan

The second consultation webinar on the draft Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) has now taken place, following the release of the plan on 15 February 2023.

The draft plan is available for review and comment as part of the ongoing consultation process, and feedback is invited to help the province develop a plan for the Scottish Episcopal Church. You can access the draft Net Zero Action Plan document via the consultation webpage, and you are encouraged to take the time to read the plan and provide your valuable feedback.

The consultation phase is an opportunity for stakeholders from across the province to help shape the future of our church. We want to ensure that everyone gets a say in how the church implements its net zero strategy.

You will find a copy of the questions included in the survey at the end of the draft action plan document. To complete the formal online consultation survey, click here. Submissions of formal feedback on the plan are requested by 12 noon on Tuesday March 28th, when the online survey will close.

Data submitted as part of this process will then be reviewed and aggregated, with a presentation of the results and recommended changes presented for review by the Provincial Environment Group in April.

The final version of the PEG approved Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) will be offered for presentation to Standing Committee in April and subsequently included in the papers for General Synod 2023. The Provincial Environment Group will then seek approval of the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) via a motion at General Synod 2023 (8 to 10 June).

Please note, the consultation webpage in not an introductory document to Net Zero or the first steps that your charge can take to tackle climate change – if you wish to start the journey in your church, please download the Net Zero Toolkit.

If you missed the launch of the Net Zero Action Plan which took place on 15 February 2023 or want to view it again, you can watch it here.

A link to view one of the subsequent consultation webinars will appear here in the coming days.

If you have any questions about the consultation process, please visit this page for an overview. You are encouraged to explore the page to find out more about the consultation process and how your feedback will be used.

Thank you for your commitment to reducing carbon emissions, and for taking the time to review and provide feedback on the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) as we work together to achieve the shared goal of a sustainable future.