Introducing the Diocesan Environment Group

The Rev Canon Stuart Bain (member of All Saints, Challoch) introduces the newly formed Diocesan Environment Group as part of the wider Net Zero Action Plan of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Stuart writes: “Some of the abiding images of this summer have been the catastrophic wildfires in many places across the world, allied to record-breaking temperatures. Any observation of our seasons and climate tells us that things aren’t right, and scientific study points us to climate change and the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. We are at a critical time in our history and how we all respond is crucial for the future.

Engaging with these issues the Scottish Episcopal Church has produced a Net Zero Action Plan relating to us as a church with the aim of achieving Net Zero by 2030. This is all about our contribution as a Church to the reduction of those emissions which cause global warming and climate change. Part of this action plan is for each diocese to establish a Diocesan Environment Group to help carry forward the action plan and to support churches to do this.

Our diocese has now done this, and this comes to introduce ourselves and to say the work has begun. The members come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and are all rooted in the local church, so we too will be hands-on working through the implications of the Net Zero Action Plan in our own churches and communities.

We recognise that as churches we all have a great deal on our plates and face many pressures and that this may seem as yet another burden to cope with, but we ask you to travel hopefully with us and we will seek to be helpful, practical and encouraging companions. We recognise we have quite a bit of work to do over the autumn. Tell us about your ideas, good news stories, the challenges you face so that we can help shape how we move forward together.

When Bishop Kevin met with us recently, he talked about the importance of intentional discipleship—that is living out the teachings of Jesus day by day. Please reflect and pray about how this is worked out in relation to the environment and as we do this may our vision of God and God’s love deepen and our behaviours change.”

Members of the Diocesan Environment Group

•The Rev Canon Stuart Bain, Convener (All Saints, Challoch)
•Prof Ian Arbon, (Holy Trinity, Kilmarnock)
•Ms Rebecca Cadie, (St Oswald’s, Maybole)
•Mr Danny Craig, (Christ Church, Lanark)
•Ms Fiona Crawford, (St Margaret’s, Newlands)
•Mr Petko Marinov, Digital Engagement Officer
•The Rev Alison Mathew, (St Oswald’s, King’s Park)
•The Rev Canon Audrey O’Brien Stewart, Canon Missioner

L-R: Stuart, Audrey, [on screen: Ian, Alison, Danny], Rebecca, Fiona, and Petko.Find out more about the work of the Diocesan Environment Group, including resources for the upcoming Season of Creation, as well as the overarching Provincial Net Zero Action Plan here.

If you would like to share any ideas, stories, or challenges with us, please get in touch by emailing the Digital Engagement Officer at

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