Bishop Kevin’s Lent Appeal 2023 Thank You

Bishop Kevin with Diocesan Mothers’ Union Presidents Maxine Gow and the Rev Deacon Ann Wren as they celebrate the final total of £10,005.98 raised for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023 in support of AFIA, the project aimed at helping vulnerable women and children enjoy a period of respite by taking them ‘Away From It All’.

Below is a letter of gratitude from Maxine, thanking each and every person and church community whose wonderful contributions will support the ongoing work of AFIA.

“On behalf of the Trustees and members of the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, we would like to thank everyone who has supported Bishop Kevin’s Lent Appeal this year. Our Away From It All (AFIA) project has been running for a number of years now, and the funding provided will ensure the project will continue for some years to come.

Our plan is to hold an AFIA holiday every two years, focusing on MU Branches around the Diocese, working with their local Women’s Aid groups. Plans for the 2024 holiday are well under way, where the Dumfries and Castle Douglas MU branches will support a two-day break for ten families.

At the previous events, the women and children involved have loved the freedom and security of the time away, in the knowledge that they are spending quality time together in a loving and safe environment. The holidays have also encouraged important networking opportunities with local Women’s Aid groups which benefit all concerned in the future.

Thank you to all who have contributed to this wonderful expression of God’s love for us all.”

~Maxine Gow

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