Upcoming Bishop Search Process and Diocesan Description

A message from the Rt Rev Andrew Swift:
“The election of a new Bishop is a vital part of the life and ministry of a Scottish Episcopal diocese. As you say farewell to Bishop Kevin, please keep in prayer him and Elspeth and all those who will be part of the process to discern his successor. The Electoral Synods with representatives from all the churches of the Diocese, the Preparatory Committee which will seek candidates, the Diocesan Officers, and support staff who will make everything run smoothly: please pray for them all. And please especially pray for all those clergy who might be willing to discern over the next months if they may have a call to be the next Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway.”

You can read about the Episcopal vacancy process over the coming weeks and the actions required to support it below. You can find the full information about the workings of Canon 4 of the Calling and Election of Bishops to Vacant Sees here.

Detail of the Diocesan crozier, with the Latin inscription “Fiet unum ovile et unus pastor.” after John 10:16 “So there will be one flock, one shepherd.”

The Electoral process will begin with the Primus issuing a Mandate within 21 days of the Diocese becoming vacant (Canon 4.5a). We have received a provisional indication that the Mandate would be issued on 2nd September 2024.

The Convener of the Electoral Synod (the Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Bishop of Brechin) will then summon a Preliminary Meeting (Canon 4.10c). The Convener’s plan is also to send this on the 2nd September 2024, with the Preliminary Meeting of the Electoral Synod expected to take place within the 21-day window (Canon 4.10c) on 21st September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow. Members of the Electoral Synod are expected to attend this meeting.

The membership of the Electoral Synod shall comprise the members, as defined in Sections 3 and 4 of Canon 50, of the Diocesan Synod who as at the date of the Mandate are qualified to vote at that Synod (Canon 4.8a). In essence, this is all clergy who are voting members of our Diocesan Synod and all Lay Representatives (failing whom, their Alternate) as well as Diocesan Lay Representatives to General Synod.

As the process develops, further information will be sent to members of the Electoral Synod and updated on a dedicated Bishop Search page on our website (due later in August).

More immediately, however, and in preparation for the Preliminary Meeting, the practical task of collating information for the Diocesan Description is now upon us (Canon 4.4b). In this endeavour, church communities have a clear role to play, as each one owns its story and is best placed to tell it. Below is the invitation sent to clergy and vestries to share their congregational profile and vision so that it might connect with candidates and inspire them to apply.

At a recent Extraordinary Diocesan Council Meeting, the process for the election of the new Bishop was discussed at length, one of the key elements being the Diocesan Description. We are limited by space and time in putting this together, so we are looking for the following to be returned by Vestry Secretaries or Charge Clergy:

•A submission of around 300 words about the current life of each charge, citing two aspects in which it excels, and one which is considered a current challenge.

•Three good quality photos depicting: the interior (1) and exterior (2) of the church building, as well as an event, activity or service (3) that church communities have undertaken (collages of the latter are also acceptable). Ideally, these photos will be people photos and in landscape orientation. Congregations are welcome to contact the Digital Engagement Officer Petko Marinov (digital@glasgow.anglican.org) for assistance and to access the Diocesan Photo Archive.

•Separately, we would also like each charge to highlight what qualities and skills the next Bishop should embody, as we aim to create a word cloud (a visual representation of text data where the size of each word indicates its frequency or importance) from suggestions that will try to bring together our collective thoughts on our hopes and prayers for a new Bishop. Download the blank template as an aid, which could be printed and used as a congregational activity to write word prompts about the skills and qualities hoped for. Here is an example.

•Finally, and crucially, we need this turned around within a month. The ‘stories’, photos and word cloud suggestions should be returned by Friday 16th August to bishopsearch@glasgow.anglican.org.

Should there be any queries about the process outlined above, please don’t hesitate to contact Kim Schmulian, our Diocesan Administrator (da@glasgow.anglican.org) and John Mitchell, our Diocesan Secretary (diocesansecretary@glasgow.anglican.org).

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