Celebrating 20 years of the Provincial Youth Week

The Church’s Youth Network is celebrating 20 years of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Youth Week. Celebrations take place this weekend (1 & 2 April) hosted by St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

Saturday 1 April: 12-6pm Family–friendly fun day with bring and share lunch and The Great Glen Bake Off
6.30-9pm Ceilidh

Sunday 2 April: 10.30am Cathedral Eucharist and celebration

The Rev Tembu Rongong, Convener of the Youth Committee says “Twenty years ago a group of people came together with an idea of forming a fellowship for the youth of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Out of this came the summer Youth Weeks first at Strathallan, then at Glenalmond. This event is to celebrate all the passion, vision, exhilaration and fun these twenty years have been, and to pay tribute to all the much valued support, friendship and hard work that has gone into them. The past 20 years have seen fast friendships formed, ties of support not only national, but international too, marriages and latterly births.

“Invited to the event are all delegates, former delegates, leaders, supporters, friends or family. The Ceilidh band is the same one as has played at each camp for the last 20 years!

“For anyone not able to attend, please still keep us in your thoughts and prayers.”