Mairi works her way through lockdown labyrinth

The new edition of monthly magazine Inspires Online has just been published, and prominent in its content is the story of how one Scottish Episcopal Church member channeled her energies during lockdown into the creation of a labyrinth in her garden. Over the past ten months, Mairi Ross of All Saints Episcopal Church in Bearsden… Continue reading Mairi works her way through lockdown labyrinth

Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 1 August at 7pm

The Scottish Episcopal Church and other denominations join together in prayer on Sunday at 7pm, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears below, will also light candles. Please note that this week there will be no Gaelic translation of the prayer. In a joint message,… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 1 August at 7pm

Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 25 July at 7pm

The Scottish Episcopal Church and other denominations join together in prayer on Sunday at 7pm, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer will also light candles. In a joint message, church leaders in Scotland said: “The Psalmist says of the Lord: ‘You open Your hand, satisfying the… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 25 July at 7pm

A Celebration of the Eucharist for Pentecost 9

The Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Bishop of Brechin leads a Celebration of the Eucharist from the Church of Holy Rood, Carnoustie. You an download the order of service here: Bishop Andrew is joined by members of the clergy and congregation in Carnoustie: the Rev Martin Allwood, Grant Wilson, Edna Boffey, Kenny Forbes, Colleen Allwood… Continue reading A Celebration of the Eucharist for Pentecost 9

Rev Hall highlights leadership values on BBC

‘What makes a good leader?’ was the question asked by the Rev Diana Hall on BBC Radio Scotland last week. On the ‘Thought for The Day’ slot during breakfast show Good Morning Scotland, the Rector of St Anne’s in Dunbar said that when Christians consider leadership, they look to the example of Jesus of Nazareth.… Continue reading Rev Hall highlights leadership values on BBC

Summer edition of PYC Newsletter available now

The latest Provincial Youth Newsletter for the Scottish Episcopal Church is available, featuring Glen 21 news, the climate crisis, Prophetic Activists, a Church of the Future and socially-distanced rounders in the sun with the Fife Cluster Youth Fellowship! There is also a Q&A guide to the role and functions of the Provincial Youth Committee composed… Continue reading Summer edition of PYC Newsletter available now

Anglicans from Brazil join the SEC’s online worship for the Eighth Sunday of Pentecost

The Most Rev Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episopcal Church, leads a Celebration of the Eucharist from St John’s, Arpafeelie. Highlighting the strong links between the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil), Bishop Mark is joined by the Primate of the IEAB, the Most Rev… Continue reading Anglicans from Brazil join the SEC’s online worship for the Eighth Sunday of Pentecost

Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 18 July at 7pm

The Scottish Episcopal Church and other denominations join together in prayer on Sunday at 7pm, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears below, will also light candles.  Please note that this week there will be no Gaelic translation of the prayer. In a joint message,… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 18 July at 7pm

Updated Frequently Asked Questions from Advisory Group now available

The Advisory Group of the Scottish Episcopal Church has published an updated Frequently Asked Questions document. The new document takes into account the changes anticipated on 19th July 2021 when all local authority areas in Scotland are due to change to level 0 of the Scottish Government system. A key change at level 0 is a… Continue reading Updated Frequently Asked Questions from Advisory Group now available

Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 11 July at 7pm

The Scottish Episcopal Church and other denominations join together in prayer on Sunday at 7pm, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears below in English and Gaelic, will also light candles. In a joint message, church leaders in Scotland said: “What is the future shape… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 11 July at 7pm