The Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, leads a Celebration of the Eucharist for Palm Sunday from St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow. You can download the order of service here: You can join the service at: Facebook Youtube link available Sunday morning Bishop Kevin is joined by the Rev Canon Jane Ross… Continue reading A Celebration of the Eucharist for Palm Sunday
Bishops’ statement on re-opening of churches
The Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, The Most Rev Mark Strange, makes the following statement on behalf of the College of Bishops: “This weekend we will re-open church buildings to welcome some of our congregations back to in-person worship for the first time in almost three months. “Many of those in our congregations will… Continue reading Bishops’ statement on re-opening of churches
Joint Call to Prayer for Palm Sunday, at 7pm
At the end of a week during which we have marked the one-year anniversary of lockdown, the Scottish Episcopal Church and 13 other denominations join together in prayer at 7pm on Palm Sunday, as they have done on Sundays throughout the year of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer for Palm Sunday, at 7pm
Nothing can stop the Provincial Youth Week!
Young Episcopalians from all over Scotland are booking their places at Glen 21. The annual Provincial Youth Week will go ahead, no matter what! Whatever form it takes, Glen remains a place where young people can be themselves, explore their faith and encourage each other to take on leadership roles in the church. A year… Continue reading Nothing can stop the Provincial Youth Week!
New SEI Journal looks at theology of safeguarding
The Spring issue of the Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal is now available and can be accessed here. The new edition is a thematic one that addresses the theology of safeguarding from a number of perspectives. “Its aim is to allow a second word on this topic which is neither the first nor the last,” says The Rev… Continue reading New SEI Journal looks at theology of safeguarding
Return of the SEC Virtual Choir
For Easter this year there will be a new virtual choir project for the provincial online worship, following on from our successful Advent Lessons and Carols service in December 2020. We are keen for as many people as possible to be involved in this project to celebrate Easter as a dispersed but still connected community… Continue reading Return of the SEC Virtual Choir
Reflection and prayer mark lockdown anniversary
Today, 23 March 2021, marks the one-year anniversary of Britain going into the first coronavirus lockdown. A National Day of Reflection is to take place, including a minute’s silence at 12pm followed by a bell toll. In the evening, there will be a national doorstep vigil when people are being encouraged to stand at their… Continue reading Reflection and prayer mark lockdown anniversary
Thanks to all involved over a year of online worship
A year ago today, the first provincial worship broadcast appeared as the world started to adjust to the restrictions put ion place to try to counter the spread of coronavirus. The Scottish Episcopal Church was one of the first to heed the advice of the Scottish Government and on 17 March 2020 the College of… Continue reading Thanks to all involved over a year of online worship
A Celebration of the Eucharist for Lent 5
The Rt Rev Anne Dyer, Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney leads a Celebration of the Eucharist for the Fifth Sunday of Lent from St John’s, Aberdeen. You can download the order of service here: You can join the service at: Facebook Youtube link available Sunday morning Bishop Anne is joined by the Rev Dr… Continue reading A Celebration of the Eucharist for Lent 5
Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 21 March at 7pm
As the anniversary of lockdown approaches on Tuesday next week, the Scottish Episcopal Church and 13 other denominations join together in prayer at 7pm on Sunday, 21 March, as they have done on Sundays throughout the year of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears in English and Gaelic below,… Continue reading Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 21 March at 7pm