Winter 2024 edition of the SEI Journal published

The Winter 2024 edition of the SEI Journal, a quarterly publication from the Scottish Episcopal Institute is now available. The themes of the issue are migration, hospitality, and theological reflections on displacement.

The edition is introduced by Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh, Director of Studies at SEI, with a foreword by Sabir Zazai, Chief Executive of the Scottish Refugee Council, offering reflection on the escalating global refugee crisis, with more than 122 million people displaced worldwide due to conflict, persecution, and climate change. She writes: “This collection of articles on migration begins with a description of the work of Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees by Esther Rowan Moodie, Co-ordinator of SFAR. In the second contribution I reflect on my experiences as chaplain of Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre.

“The third article’s context is Australia. Don Browning reflects on ministry among the Karen refugee community. The final two articles are more academic. Paul Wilson treats the New Testament example of Priscilla and Aquila. Glenn Butner, the author of Jesus the Refugee, deals with patristic teaching and its relevance for contemporary issues.

“We are privileged that the Executive of the Scottish Refugee Council, Dr Sabir Zazai, himself a refugee from Afghanistan, has agreed to write a Foreword to this collection.”

You can download the edition from the SEI website here.