Online Worship: 24 September

The Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon, Vice-Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, leads a Celebration of the Eucharist. Music during the service is led by the Choir of St Mary’s, under the direction of Frikki Walker, Director of Music. The service follows the 1982 Scottish Liturgy which can be downloaded here. You can join the service… Continue reading Online Worship: 24 September

Dates of General Synod 2024 announced

The provincial Standing Committee announced via an email to General Synod Members this morning that the date of General Synod 2024 has been changed, and will now take place on 13-15 June, instead of 6-8 June as originally planned.  According to the email the decision has “become necessary because of large-scale concerts happening in Edinburgh… Continue reading Dates of General Synod 2024 announced

Net Zero workshop programme to save energy

The Provincial Environment Group (PEG) is seeking ten volunteer congregations to take part in a series of Net Zero Workshops starting this autumn. The workshops will focus on energy use in SEC buildings, an important part of net zero that also affects congregational finances. The workshops are based on the HeatHack programme funded by the Royal… Continue reading Net Zero workshop programme to save energy

Jenny is Scotland’s first Trinity Leadership Fellow

The Rev Dr Jenny Holden has been accepted as one of the 2023 intake of Trinity Leadership Fellows at Trinity Wall Street, described as a diverse cohort of emerging leaders spanning various faith traditions and vocations. Dr Holden, who recently took up a new position as Adviser for Christian Life with the Diocese of Aberdeen… Continue reading Jenny is Scotland’s first Trinity Leadership Fellow